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COVID 19 Protocols

Keeping our members safe in compliance with state and town guidelines



  1. Players should bring their own hand sanitizer to the games and apply between innings.

  2. Players must maintain six ft social distancing at all times. This is before, during and after the game. It is recommended that players bring their own chairs to the game.

  3. All catchers and umpires must wear a mask at all times and stay 6 ft apart from the batter.

  4. All other players must wear masks around their necks at all times:  in the field, at bat, running or on the sidelines. This is so if they come in contact with someone, they can just pull their mask up.

  5. A mask must cover your mouth and nose if six-foot social distancing is not maintained.

  6. The on-deck batter will pick up the bat of the hitter. He should pick it up by the barrel of the bat, not the handle.

  7. Players should all have their own bat. If not, they should ask permission to use someone’s bat. It is then the responsibility of the player borrowing to wipe it down. There should be no going up and just touching bats.

  8. A player that feels ill should not show up to play.

  9. If a player tests positive for the virus, that player must notify the Eboard, so the members that have come in contact with that person can be notified.

  10. There will be a no handshake policy after the game. Teams should just say “good game” or a tip of the cap.

  11. If a player wants to wear gloves or a mask in the field, that is up to each individual. It is not mandatory.

  12. A waiver will need to be signed along with your 2020 application and COC if not already signed.

  13. We ask all players to be respectful towards each other with regards to these guidelines. Especially to coaches or others who might remind you that you are not obeying the guidelines.

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